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This is our music CD collection database. The list contains more than 3000 compact discs of classical, jazz, blues, soul, world, electronic rock and pop genres from international, german, hungarian and russian artists. The database stores short information about the artist and more details about the album including songtext if applicable.


Balnibarbi LLC as was established by László Ballai in 1997. The name Balnibarbi was borrowed from Jonathan Swift’s ‘Gulliver’s travel’. Balnibarbi, in the novel, is a country of enormous contradictions and anomalies which country was not build ‘supra petram’, i.e. on rocks…

The consulting company’s original property de­ve­lop­ment profile has been significantly enlarged in the latest years. Now Balnibarbi offers its services on the fields of organization of events and IT consulting as well.

Marczius Tizenötödike

Marczius Tizenötödike
The newspaper Marczius Tizenötödike (March Fifteenth) "which bore the date of the Pest revolution 1848 as its symbolic name" has been reissued. The current volumes are focused on the history of freedom and democracy as well on the culture in Hungary.


monochrom is an art-technology-philosophy group having its seat in Vienna and Zeta Draconis. monochrom is an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science, context hacking and political activism. monochrom has existed in this (and almost every other) form since 1993.


Art on Wall in: Lucerne, Bratislava, Budapest, Paris and Vienna - Lucerne absolutely subjective - Visual documentation of: expo.02, euroshoes '08, advertising of Wiener Festwochen, street art, galleries of paintings - Sound & live music of: Dave Matthwes Band, Chí Kalé, John Hammond jr., Klangturm, Megaflops, Makám and Buena Vista Social Club - Scientific and alchemic studies - Other nonsense ...